The Rhodes Scholarship for Malaysia - Yayasan Khazanah 2023 - Senarai Tawaran Biasiswa Malaysia 2024 | Malaysia Scholarship 2024 List

The Rhodes Scholarship for Malaysia - Yayasan Khazanah 2023

The Rhodes Scholarship for Malaysia is a fully funded, full time, postgraduate award which enables talented young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

Baca juga: Senarai Penuh Biasiswa Terkini 2023/2024

The Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international scholarship programme in the world, which aims to nurture public-spirited leaders for the world's future.

Selection for the Rhodes Scholarships takes place in each constituency and is overseen by the relevant National Secretary and their team.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Nationality/citizenship: You must be a citizen of Malaysia.
  • Education/residency: You must have been resident in and have been educated in Malaysia for at least five of the last ten years.
  • Age: You must meet either of the below criteria:
    • You must be aged 18-23 on 1st October 2023 (i.e. you must have been born after 1 October 1999 and before 2 October 2005).
    • OR (for older candidates who completed their first undergraduate degree later than usual)
    • You must be under the age of 27 on 1st October 2023 (i.e. have been born after 1 October 1996) AND you must also have completed your first undergraduate degree on or after 1 October 2022*.
    • * A university's policy determines the date of completion of academic requirement for a degree and this may be different from when a degree is considered awarded by the university or the date of a graduation ceremony. In ambiguous cases, the decision of the National Secretary is final.
  • Academic achievement: You must have completed an undergraduate degree (usually a Bachelor’s) by July 2024, and you must have an academic background and grade that - at a minimum - meets or exceeds the specific entry requirements of your chosen course at the University of Oxford.

    Candidates will have a higher chance of successful admission to Oxford if they have:
    • A First Class Honours Degree or equivalent, or
    • A GPA of 3.70/4.0 or higher
    Please contact the National Secretary if you require further advice about academic requirements of the Scholarship.
  • English Language: You must meet the University of Oxford’s English language requirements. Unless you meet their requirements for a test waiver, you must demonstrate this by providing test results with scores that meet the University’s higher level requirement.

As the Rhodes Scholarships are place-based, the eligibility criteria, application requirements and selection process vary slightly depending on which constituency you are applying for.

How To Apply:

Scholarship applications will be made through Rhodes Online Application System by 23:59 MYT, 31 August 2023.

To ensure that you have all of the information you need to apply, please read these documents:

  1. Information for Candidates
  2. Conditions of Tenure
  3. Guidance for Referees
  4. Unofficial Guide For Applicants

Applications submitted for the Rhodes Scholarship in 2023 are for entry to the University of Oxford in October 2024; the scholarship cannot be brought forward or deferred to a later academic year.

If you have any further questions, which aren’t answered in the documents provided or on the website please do get in touch at

Saluran Info Tawaran Biasiswa Terkini:
Biasiswa The Rhodes Scholarship for Malaysia - Yayasan Khazanah
Closing Date: 31 August 2023

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